Marvel Super Heroes is an official theme of LEGO introduced in 2012 and partnered with the superhero comic publishing company Marvel.
The theme included one feature videogame, LEGO Marvel Super Heroes as well as three waves of sets.
- 6865 Captain America's Avenging Cycle
- 6866 Wolverine's Chopper Showdown
- 6867 Loki's Cosmic Cube Escape
- 6868 Hulk's Helicarrier Breakout
- 6869 Quinjet Aerial Battle
- 6873 Spider-Man's Doc Ock Ambush
- 76004 Spider-Man: Spider-Cycle Chase
- 76005 Spider-Man: Daily Bugle Showdown
- 76006 Iron Man: Extremis Sea Port Battle
- 76007 Iron Man: Malibu Mansion Attack
- 76008 Iron Man vs The Mandarin: Ultimate Showdown
- 76014 Spider-Trike vs. Electro
- 76015 Doc Ock Truck Heist
- 76016 Spider-Helicopter Rescue
- 76017 Captain America vs. Hydra
- 76018 Hulk Lab Smash
- 76019 Starblaster Showdown
- 76020 Knowhere Escape Mission
- 76021 The Milano Spaceship Rescue
- 76022 X-Men vs The Sentinel
- 76029 Iron Man vs. Ultron
- 76030 Duel with Hydra
- 76031 Hulkbuster Rescue Mission
- 76032 The Avengers Quinjet City Chase
- 76036 Carnage's SHIELD Sky Attack
- 76037 Rhino and Sandman Super Villain Team-Up
- 76038 Attack on Avengers Tower
- 76039 Ant-Man Final Battle
- 76041 Burglary at Hydra Fortress
- 76042 The SHIELD Helicarrier
- 30162 Quinjet
- 30163 Thor and the Cosmic Cube
- 30165 Hawkeye with Equipment
- 30167 Iron Man vs. Fighting Drone
- 30302 Spider-Man Glider